I’m Paul Summers, your neighborhood addict, alcoholic, overeater, and co-dependent. Good God Man!
Thank you for clicking on this translation of the Taking Steps 2020 Be Good To You Podcast: Step Two, Coming to believe someone or something greater than ourselves could guide us away from the insanity of using.
If you feel like you are unable to live with or without drugs, booze, binge-eating, or an unhealthy relationship, keep listening…
“The ultimate weapon for recovery is the recovering person.” (Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text {Fifth Edition Pg. 14})
I cannot stress enough the importance of going through each Taking Steps Episode starting from January. They are in order for a reason. I know from experience, that it can be very tempting to jump forward.
Please hold on; you’ll need to practice trust and patience. Trust that the steps are the result of generations of trial and error and continuous improvement. Have patience in knowing there is internal work you’ll need to do before you move on.
We’re either ripening or we’re regressing. – Paul Summers
Alright, so let’s get started on this month’s Topic, which really is HOPE – coming to believe that, not in, a Power greater than ourselves which could restore our lives to sanity.
As I said in the Step One podcast, the first thing we need to work on each time we start our day is how to stay clean by getting through today. Once we’ve been able to abstain from our vice; once we’ve given our focus to the tools of recovery, how do we keep from returning to not only using, but the wildly unmanageable, unhealthy, undermining, destructive thoughts and behaviors which we know have the ability spin like a tornado in our head? I mean, many of us got to the point where we were so used to the tornado, it’s whirlwind and it’s damage felt normal. We couldn’t see how picking up, maybe not picking up, maybe even knowing we want to pick up, is what set the tornado in motion.
It’s our thoughts which need to be changed, but how?
How do we alter our thought-led behaviors? Haven’t we tried this already? I know I did, in multiple ways. For example, As a musician, I wrote and performed music – it brought me to dark places – addiction – when I first got clean I thought, if I stop doing music – then maybe I won’t want to get high. Depriving yourself, or being a martyr encourages unhealthy thought-led behaviors. My disease used deception to bring me to a point of feeling dismissed-a point where rationalization gave me the validation my disease needed so that I’d keep using. I began to feel alone again. Before long, life became too hard to bear.
What is going to replace our old thinking, if not ourselves?
My sponsor, Eric E. shared at a meeting that “we can’t expect our minds to come up with a new way of thinking on their own.” There was a time I didn’t think I needed anybody. I had all the answers. All you humans couldn’t fix me as well as I could, right?
But how does that work if I’m the one breaking me in the first place? Only someone with the experience and clarity of clean/sober time can have the openness and mental functionality to digest a new thought.
How obvious is the insanity of the following behaviors to you?
When I didn’t want to use, I would go score a bag.
Being unable to decide between rent and a bag of the good shit.
Deciding between a child support payment and a bottle—regardless of the consequences.
Choosing between showing up for work on time or waiting outside in the cold and rain where your dealer said she’d meet you?
Life can be, and is at different times, hard for every human on the planet. We have spent many hours using just to not feel this pain deeply or struggle daily. As we return to experiencing reality as it is, without the numbing or enhancements, we might also begin to see the root or at least a cause of many of those difficulties was our vice – drugs, booze, life-threatening sex, overeating, etc.
Take a deep breath.
There is a Power working in your life which is greater than you or me. It may have a lot to do with why you are still alive to listen to this podcast. It is kinder to you and more loving of you than you have been to and of yourself.
This Power wants to have a relationship with you, where you are open to a way of thinking besides your own – where you are open to allowing self-care, connection and interaction with people who are striving toward beneficial living, healthy decision making, and actions. Progress, not perfection.
If you’re like me, all of your original plans or attempts to quit just made things worse. But when you tried a suggestion made by someone who has found success at staying clean, you were given evidence it could be done.
There is evidence of a Power working in your life if you look around to find it.
In the program I work, I am free to decide for myself, free to choose for myself, what my understanding of this Power is, provided it is more caring, nurturing, and greater than me. I came to call this power, this Higher Power, God. I wasn’t raised with religion, so the word God doesn’t come with baggage for me. For you it might—and I understand it may be hard to separate a religious deity from a spiritual embodiment. This is your decision to make without any repercussion, criticism, or judgement. A loving Power will guide you towards love, courage, humility, compassion, respect, and an awareness of spiritual values. I think most religions began aspiring towards these values, but – ha, being run by humans – fell short.
It may be uncomfortable. I’m suggesting that you nudge yourself gently to be open to a different set of thoughts than the ones you’ve been hiding from in your personal tornado shelter. I’m suggesting you look for coincidences which seem too unlikely, or miracles, or as my sponsor says, Neon Arrows. We don’t have to understand our HP completely to be open to it and it’s messages. Then see if it makes sense to be willing to try out what it suggests of us instead of sticking with what we think we know.
In the First Step Podcast, we admitted that we are powerless over our vices, right? Part of admitting this shows a willingness to, at the very least entertain the idea, that stubbornly clinging to our thoughts has brought us to a place we never sought to end up.
We are not in control of everything. We are not suffering a moral deficiency, thus there is no need for a religious exorcism or repentance to earn approval of others. We may have leaned too heavily on our own pride for answers, meanwhile closing ourselves off to solutions. We may have suffered tragedy which led to lost faith, feeling wronged, and have found temporary relief by blaming the skies for life’s terms.
It really comes down to choosing whether or not you wish to stay in those patterns, or be open to a different perception. Mostly what is being asked is for you to ponder an alternate belief, look for proof either way, practice your finding, then honestly assess which path leads to a more rational thinking you can come to believe in.
I hope this helps you.
I live for interacting with you.
Remember, Be Good To You.